
PMDO: Starlight Lullaby Written App

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Team Name | Starlight Lullaby
Guild Affiliation | Archivists
Rank | Butterfree



Kassandra Lukianos | Shiny Ralts
Female | Telepathy
Calm | Often Lost in Thought
Psychic* | Magical Leaf | Calm Mind | Future Sight*
(*uses these very rarely)

Peach colored Ribbon tied as a bow around waist | Accessory Two | Accessory Three



Saoirse | Minccino
Female | Cute Charm
Jolly | Highly Curious
Hyper Voice | Sing | Charm | Tail Slap

Light pink colored Ribbon tied as a bow around neck | Accessory Two | Accessory Three


The sun was just beginning to dip below the horizon, shining off a myriad of warm colors as Kassandra exited Sanctuary’s library. It had been another long day of research as it had been since she had arrived here a little more than a week ago; and, as always, she still hadn’t found any answers to the many questions she had.  

Kassandra had been tasked with a mission a few months prior by her village to discover any information about why the cataclysm happened, what it means, and why evolution has stopped. Having such an important task like this would be a big weight on anyone’s shoulders, if Kassandra wasn’t so used to it by now. Taking on village problems such as these was nothing new and usually accomplished easily with her skill, but this was proving to be tricky. She had hoped to find at least one clue by now, but she had come up with nothing. All she had found so far was information she already knew, and if she couldn’t come up with a lead soon than maybe she would have to come home empty-handed.

Pain lashed out in her head and she quickly brought her fingers up to rub her temple in an attempt to ease it. Once it subsided, she took a deep breath to calm her nerves. Right, I still have to look into that, she thought with a grimace. There was in fact another reason why she came here, but she hadn’t had the time to look into. Maybe she would end up luckier in research with that, but for now she needed to relax.

Kassandra brushed back some of her blue hair before setting her eyes onto the Lazy Lombre. Her feet soon followed her eyes’ direction, as she took the short walk to the tavern. It was still odd for her to see buildings in the shape of Pokémon’s heads, but it gave the place its charm and it certainly helped identify the different places easier. Maybe I should make note of that in my research of this place, she thought as she stepped into the open mouth of the tavern’s building and pulled the doors open.

Being the end of the day, the place was in near full swing as everyone who had finished their tasks for the day decided to take the time to unwind here. It was almost deafening, all the different voices swarming the air, some trying to be louder than others. Some Pokémon were eating their dinners while some were already starting their night of drinking. Some were sitting alone at the bar while others were seated at tables and booths with their guild partner or in a large group of friends. So many different kinds of Pokémon, so many different kinds of culture; it was nice.  Even if Kassandra failed her mission here, it was still nice to gain the knowledge and experience of this new world.

“Hey, Kassie!” a singsong, lightly accented voice called out.

Kassandra turned towards it to see her friend Saoirse heading towards her with a smile on her face and a tray of drinks in her hand. She had only met the Minccino a few weeks ago while traveling towards Sanctuary. They had both been on their own, but once they met, they decided it would be better to travel together. The two had been partners ever since, and quickly became even better friends.

“Ye want the usual booth, right? I’ve been saving it for ye.” Saoirse said.

“Yes, thank you Saoirse.” Kassandra replied, smiling softly back at her.

“Well, ye know where it is. I’ll be there in a second.”

Saoirse quickly headed off to a table of rowdy Pokémon to drop off the drinks. Kassandra weaved her way through the tables to her usual spot, a booth that was near the corner where the stage for live performances was at. When she and Saoirse had first arrived here, it had been their go-to place from the start where they could sit, relax, and catch up on all that has happened. They had spent many nights here talking, drinking and laughing the night away.

Kassandra went to sit down on her usual side of the booth that faced away from the stage as Saoirse soon arrived with a cup of warm rose tea. “Thank you,” the Ralts said as she breathed in the sweet aroma before taking a sip. Nothing was better than a nice cup of tea after a day of aching research.

“’Tis no problem at all,” Saoirse beamed as she went to sit down opposite of her. “Hey, would ye mind taking over for me tonight. I asked Scheat if I could perform tonight, and he said I could if I wasn’t booed off the stage and if I give him all my tips.”

Scheat, a Lombre and the owner of the tavern, did like his money, but he was nice enough to allow them a place to stay as long as they waitressed for him and helped out with other tasks around the place. So far, it had been Saoirse who did most of the work while Kassandra researched, and yet she has never complained about it.

“Of course, I can. I just can’t believe you are going to perform again. I mean, you have an amazing voice, but you said you wanted to leave that all behind you.” Kassandra said as she continued to take more sips of her tea.

Saoirse shrugged and gave a sheepish smile. “Oh, I know, but I miss it, ye know? Singing was such a big part of my life, even with all that had happened, so, I was thinking maybe now I can bring back the joy it used to have.”

Kassandra smiled as she reached across the table and patted her paw. “Well, I certainly support you in any endeavor you wish to follow, so sing your heart out, alright?”

Saoirse beamed brightly once more while letting out a giggle. “Of course, thank ye, Kassie.”

Kassandra returned her hand to her side of the table as she went to finish her tea. It was nice seeing Saoirse thrive in this environment. She seemed so beaten down when they first met, but now she was all smiles and cheer. And she was even going to sing again? This place was good for her, but would it be good for her own self?

“So, how did the research go today? Did ye get any leads?” Saoirse asked.

Kassandra cringed as she unconsciously began to rub her head. “Er, no I didn’t.” she replied softly.

The Minccino seemed to feel her pain as she lowered her ears and her smile sank. “Oh that’s too bad . . . But, I’m sure ye’ll find something soon!” she stated while returning to her usual jovial self.

It was nice that Saoirse was always so optimistic, but Kassandra was beginning to have her doubts. “I know. I really hope to find something soon, but I’ve combed through most of that library, and there doesn’t seem to be any new information. Of course, nothing explains why the cataclysm happened, or about the dungeons, but the only thing I could find about restoring evolution was some legend about this ‘Luminous Tree’. It seems rather hopeless, and if I don’t find something soon I . . . I might have to go home.”

“What?!” Saoirse yelled, her mood once again turning down. Kassandra didn’t want to tell her this, but the more she ended up empty-handed the more she had to be practical and face reality. “But we have so much fun together; it would be a shame to see ye go.”

“I know, I don’t want to leave either, but my village is expecting me to bring answers, and if I can’t find any here . . .” Kassandra fell into silence and Saoirse wasn’t offering any voice. Her big brown eyes were starting to glisten with tears, causing the Ralts heart to clench. Why did she have to tell her? The last thing she wanted to do was to make Saoirse cry.

“Hello there!”

They both turned to the overtly cheerful voice to see a Growlithe wearing a black bandana standing at their table with a huge grin on his face.

“Dante!” Saoirse squeaked, a small blush appearing on her cheeks.

Kassandra didn’t think his smile could become any bigger, but it certainly did. “Ah, so you have heard of me, huh? That’s cool. I hope it’s all only good things, though.” He chuckled. “But, I’ve seen you two around here before, and I don’t know your names, and I make it my business to know everybody, in fact . . .” He continued to ramble so quickly that it soon became incomprehensible. Kassandra had seen him around here before, and had even listened to some of his performances, but she had never actually talked to him before. He had always seemed friendly, but she didn’t know that he was this talkative.

Suddenly, his fast speaking stopped as he stared at Saoirse. “Have you been crying?” he asked.

Saoirse blinked in surprise before quickly wiping her eyes. “Oh, ‘tis nothing, I just-“

“Oh, you have been!” Dante exclaimed, his face twisted in concern. Suddenly, he hopped into the booth beside Saoirse and wrapped her up in a hug. Saoirse let out a squeak as her face became even redder. “Oh, you poor thing, I just hate it when I see ‘mons cry, especially someone who seems so nice and sweet. Oh, how come you’ve been crying? Tell ol’ Dante, and I will make sure I do my very best to make you feel better.” Dante loosened his grip a bit, but still kept his arms around her. Saoirse’s face was now as red as Cheri berry as she struggled to come up with something to say.

“It’s my fault, Dante.” Kassandra stated with a sigh.

“Yours?” He looked at her, confused with his shoulders tensed.

“Yes, well you see. . .” Kassandra recounted Dante their whole situation. He was an excellent listener the whole time as his whole body seemed to be directed and focused on her. By the time she was finished, even she was beginning to get a little teary-eyed about the whole thing as well.

“So, that’s how it is, huh?” Dante murmured.

“Yes. It seems a bit silly to cry over—“Saoirse started to say, but Dante cut her off.

“No, no, of course not! It’s wonderful to care so much about your friend, and it is always sad to lose somebody in your life.” Dante stated before giving Saoirse another hug. “Luckily, I have a solution for your problem.”

Kassandra blinked and shook her head. “You . . . You do?”

“Yeah!” Dante removed his arms from around Saoirse before leaning his body in close to the table. He indicated that they both do the same and once they did, Dante whispered, “You can join the Archivists guild.”

“The Archvists—“

“Shh, shh, shh!” Dante hissed, putting a finger to Kassandra’s lips to quiet her. She was bewildered, but remained silent until Dante removed his finger.

“What is this guild?” she asked in a whisper.

“It’s a guild I run with a friend. We are very secretive, so much in fact that some Pokémon here haven’t even heard of it, which I guess you guys haven’t,” He let out a small laugh before continuing, “Anyway, we go around spelunking dungeons, procuring artifacts, and gathering knowledge of lost history. Basically, we’re really cool librarians. Anyway, so if you two were to join us as team, you can continue your research and don’t have to leave and nobody has to cry. Sound like a good deal?”

So many questions were swarming around inside Kassandra’s head after he finished. Like, why hasn’t she heard about them before; why are they so secretive; why do they track down this lost knowledge; what do they plan to do with it once they have it; and even more questions. Before she could ask even one though, Saoirse spoke for her.

“Yes, we’d love to join!” she exclaimed in the soft decibel that they were all using.

“Excellent! Now all you have to do is come up with a team name, figure out your covers, oh we should probably talk with Kacey, but we can do that later I suppose, and—“

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up! I’m not certain I agree yet.” Kassandra stated, crossing her arms across her chest.

Saoirse’s eyes widened. “What do you mean?”

“Well it’s just. . .” she turned towards Dante, “You barely know us, you don’t even know our names—“

“Well, I know she is Saoirse,” he said, turning towards the Minccino and giving her a smile. “And your name is . . .”


“Right, Kassandra! I knew I heard it somewhere before!”

“Anyway, you just met us then told us about your secret guild and now you want us to join. Why?”

Dante folded his paws together on the table as he gave her question at least some thought. Once he seemed to have gathered his thoughts, he looked up at her with those dazzling green eyes. “You see, I sort of observed you two the past couple of days. You guys seem like nice Pokémon, and you have potential skills that may be useful to our guild. I was going to relay my report on you guys to Kacey who would evaluate you, but once I overheard your discussion about leaving, I knew I had to reach out to you guys before it was too late.

“Look, I know you may not know or trust me and my guild, but we aren’t really all that bad, and we could really use your help. I promise if you join us that you will get the answers you need in time and have fun along the way. So, what do you say?”

Both Dante and Saoirse stared at her with bated breaths. It was true she didn’t really trust whatever his and his guild’s intentions were, but it was also true that she needed this. He said he could give her the answers she needed for her village, and maybe being a part of this secret organization could unlock new knowledge that she never could as a civilian. There was also the fact that she could stay with Saoirse who was already on board with this. It was a risky decision, and she didn’t know what this guild would have her do, but maybe it would be worth it?

Kassandra took in a deep breath. “Alright, I’ll do it.”

“Yes!” Saoirse exclaimed, bouncing up and down in her seat.

“Excellent!” Dante stated with another one of his wide grins. He opened his mouth to say more when he seemed to take notice of something behind him. Kassandra looked back to see Scheat pointing at the clock and then at the stage. When she looked back at Dante, he was nodding his head. “Er, sorry guys, but I have to go perform. We’ll talk more about this guild stuff later, okay?”

“Alright,” answered Kassandra.

Dante slid out of the booth and was about to make his way over when he stopped and turned to Saoirse. “Say, you are the Saoirse that is also supposed to be performing tonight, right?” he asked.

Her cheeks turned red once more as she nodded her head. “Aye, th-that’d be me.” She said with a shy smile.

“How about you join me in a duet, huh? It’ll be really fun!”

Saoirse looked like she was going to faint when he asked her that, but she quickly composed herself. Taking a deep breath, she put on her professional performer face and nodded her head. “That would be fun, Dante!” Saoirse exclaimed. She waved goodbye to Kassandra before she took Dante’s offered hand and they both headed for the stage.

Kassandra smiled as she watched them go before finishing up her now lukewarm tea. She still had so many questions in her head about this Archivists Guild and what would be in store for them, but for now she would let it rest. Now was the time to celebrate and enjoy the small things as she turned to watch Saoirse get ready to sing. Pain suddenly radiated in her head once more as she quickly went to rub it. Her vision started to become a little blurry and she could smell the sharp tang of metal. Kassandra continued to rub her head until it subsided. She really hoped she would get all the answers she needed before it was too late.
More info to be added to later

Note: Saoirse has an Irish accent
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